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Donation Portal



As you consider your donation, please note the various categories you can contribute to and how the money will be utilized.

My donation is for . . .


Impact Christian Schools – Forward in Faith Fund

This category funds Impact Christian Schools general operations. We provide services and management to seven Christian schools with over 1,300 students and are working to grow the number of schools and students.


Impact Christian Academy – Joyful Giving Fund

This category funds the general operations of Impact Christian Academy, a growing high school with grades 9 and 10 in the 2024-2025 school year. This included teachers, administrators, and staff salaries and benefits. It includes such items as classroom books and materials and other school expenses. We plan to add a grade yearly until we have a 9-12 high school.


Impact Christian Academy - Building and Renovations Fund

This category funds the building where the school will be housed beginning in the fall of 2024. This includes construction, materials, and other related construction and operational expenses.


Living Waters Academy Expansion Fund

This fund will be used exclusively to help plant Living Waters Academy (a new preschool through 8th grade Christian school) in the Oregon, WI area. 

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